We are missionaries who live by faith, trusting God and His people for support.
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
ways you can donate:
Write a check to GO! MINISTRIES with account number (1337) only in the memo. Then send it to:
GO! Ministries, 270 E. Palais Rd., Anaheim, CA 92805.
Contributions are tax deductible through GO! Ministries.
We are missionaries who live by faith, trusting God and His people for support.
To donate click HERE
Contributions are tax deductible through GO! Ministries
We are so grateful!

GO! Ministries general account 1110
Donations to GO! Ministries General Fund helps keep costs low for GO! missionaries and avoids the necessity of raising their administration fee. This includes ministry development, office supplies, funding for mission trips, and more. Your donation to this fund is needed and much appreciated! God bless you richly.

Louie & Cheryl Monteith

Louie and Cheryl Monteith are missionaries to missionaries, encouraging missionaries worldwide to be faithful in their calling to fulfill the Great Commission. Louie also oversees GO! Ministries, a missionary sending agency based out of Calvary Chapel Anaheim, CA. Louie and Cheryl have been married 39 years and they have two daughters, Lindsay (34) and Kelsey (29). Lindsay is married to Jonas Karlsson.
(Mark 16:15) And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

Ramiz & Jenny Abuhamad

Ramiz’s Lebanese upbringing, facility of the language, and deep understanding of the culture will enable him to seamlessly integrate with the people. Jenny, who is about to complete her MDiv, has a passion for teaching and helping women and children. Thani has a plan for reaching the next generation through music and the arts. Theo desires to make friends and mentor younger believers.
If our ministry fits with your giving goals, would you consider partnering with us through prayer and financial support as we go and reach the Middle East for Christ?