Listen to some of my music below:
I grew up in the '60's listening to a diverse palette of music. As a child I used to listen to vinyls and write the lyrics down. My mind was always filled with music like a juke box my whole waking day. We had an old folk guitar around the house and my brother taught me how to pick out melodies. My dad bought me my own acoustic when I turned fourteen and my mom took me down to the local music store for lessons. My teacher was amazing and taught me all the popular music of the time.
When I received Christ my whole musical world changed and I exploded with a new fountain of inspiration. Under the direction of a few new teachers I developed my gift of songwriting and all to the glory of God. Jesus music was exploding and all of it became a backdrop for my own expression. I spent hours playing guitar and writing songs. Doors began to open to play with friends at small events and to lead worship at home Bible study groups.
As time progressed I joined a Christian band at Bible college and honed my skills on a more professional level and through touring. We also linked up with an evangelist and got some experience in a large arena as well as on Christian TV. I would also play and lead worship solo wherever the door opened.
After Bible college graduation I became a youth pastor where I led worship for the church as well as for the Youth. And then Cheryl and I spent a whole summer with YWAM Musicians For Missions in Holland. Wow...playing for Jesus on the mission field was awesome. When we returned back to the States I formed my own band based upon my experience overseas. We cut a demo (listen below) and were a no nonsense ministry band with a focus on outreach.
But then God changed things up! I was taken on as a Youth pastor at my home church and at the same time doors opened for me to attend seminary. I knew I needed to drop the band and focus on studying for the ministry. It was at this point that music was going to be my minor and pastoring my major.
All throughout my ministry I have enjoyed leading worship and being in praise bands. My experience in music also has helped me guide others in the ministry of music. My musical background also helped pay the bills as we were pioneering a church by opening my own guitar teaching studio.
Thank you Lord for the music that You have created to praise you and for our soul's enrichment.
Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.
Front Porch music fellowship started organically at our house last June and has turned into an every other Friday night event and is growing. We all bring our instruments and share a song as others join in. Some of our neighbors have come over with their chairs to sit and enjoy. The Spirit is moving.
Kelsey and I leading worship at Calvary Chapel Anaheim.
Front Porch Band plays for an outdoor event at Calvary Chapel East Anaheim.
Kurt Drumheller and I leading in classic praise and worship for the GO! Ministries meeting.​
Sung with the Calvary Chapel Anaheim choir.
My song FIGHT at Calvary Chapel Anaheim
-Kurt Drumheller (acoustic guitar/porchboard)
-Steve Rotundi (electric guitar)
-Mark Cuneo (keyboards)
I love to collaborate with other friends musically. Here is my friend Kurt Drumheller singing a song he wrote called Down The Road With Jesus.

Christian Jazz-Rock band out of Southern California College (SCC)
All members were music majors except me! (Biblical Studies)
(no recordings...too bad because we had a great sound and really pro)
Cheryl leading Thanksgiving praise with her autoharp. She loves the old hymns and gospel songs and has blessed many with her Spirit-filled and anointed worship.